Question: 1 / 50

What maneuver requires you to turn your car around in a 20-40 foot space during the driving exam?

Approach of Crossing


Three Point Turn

The maneuver that requires you to turn your car around in a 20-40 foot space during the driving exam is a three-point turn. This maneuver is specifically designed to enable drivers to turn their vehicle around when there isn’t enough space for a U-turn. During a three-point turn, the driver will use the forward and reverse gears to navigate the vehicle back and forth, which allows for a complete change in direction within a limited area. This skill is critical for drivers to master because it demonstrates the ability to control the vehicle in confined spaces safely and effectively. Additionally, performing a three-point turn involves checking for traffic and ensuring that the maneuver can be executed without causing a hazard to other road users, showcasing situational awareness. Mastery in this skill is essential as it reflects the driver's competence in handling turns under specific conditions commonly encountered on the road. In contrast, other options like a U-turn may require a larger space than the specified 20-40 feet and have different rules regarding legality and safety than a three-point turn. Backing mainly involves reversing the vehicle in a straight or slightly curved path, while the approach of crossing pertains to navigating intersections, which doesn’t involve turning around in a confined space.



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